I was invited to speak to the newly hired teachers in my district on the
subject of Character Education yesterday. I know those of you who know me well must
be wondering if I was asked to present on how to be a character but my role was to demonstrate how character
education can be incorporated into the curriculum.
I have served on my school’s character committee for the last six
years. At the time of joining the committee the different grade level teams at my
school participated in several community service projects such as Gleaners Community
Food Bank, Care Packaging for the Troops, and Forgotten Harvest. We would come
together as a whole school community to respond to natural disasters both
nationally and globally and while these projects were successful, there was a
certain level of frustration amongst both staff and parents that they were
scattered, overlapping and lacking in long term significance. We decided to
make a concerted effort to integrate service learning into the curriculum.
Service learning is an experiential teaching strategy that
intentionally combines academic learning and relevant community service. Key
components of service learning include:
Project has purpose or meaning
Sharing or demonstration of knowledge gained
There are
similarities between service learning and community service. They both foster
civic responsibility and an individual’s growth personally and ethically. Both
create strong community connections and meet real needs, but there are some
significant differences.
I shared with my new colleagues a service
learning project that my teaching partner and I collaborated on. We share 54
students, I teach math and science, while he teaches Language Arts and Social
Studies and the result was our River Rouge Watershed wiki. Yesterday I asked the
teachers to peruse the wiki and try to identify possible learning objectives
and character traits that students may have learned about during the course of its
creation. I was thrilled with their responses and how much they saw in it but I
was also struck by how much unintentional learning took place. It became
crystal clear to me that when it comes to the education of a child we cannot
separate heart and mind.
At risk of giving
away my age, when I was at school students were empty pails waiting to be
filled with information, facts and knowledge. I am so fortunate to work in an
environment where the teaching of core subjects is seamlessly interwoven with
character education and key 21st Century skills. The result of that
is that I get to work every day with highly engaged, passionate kids who are
teachers and learners and influential global citizens.